Every new year is a turning point that offers opportunity.

I believe 12 months is an extraordinary amount of time, which deserves space to be examined, explored and fully experienced before we move into the next 12 months.

May these words guide you into the new year.

The new year offers an opportunity to rest.

Step back from your normal routine and demands.
Break your discipline.
Sleep in, take naps, and play more than you normally do.
Go back to your wild child self.
Get out into nature away from all the distractions.
Give yourself the gift of space.

The new year offers an opportunity to reflect.

Celebrate the experiences that gave you energy.
Learn from the experiences that were out of alignment.
Honor the people that made a difference.
Amplify the things that helped you feel more alive.
Sit with these memories.
Be with them until you realize everything they’ve given you.

The new year offers an opportunity to reset.

Restart your reality with a fresh perspective.
Face your truth with courage.
Let go of anything that no longer serves you.
Accept the things that have been waiting.
Clean up your beautiful messes.
Integrate everything.

The new year offers an opportunity to refocus.

Clarify your intentions and priorities.
Reimagine a future that lights you up.
Create the map.
Rebuild your engine.
Bring focus to what really matters in your life.
Drive forward with purpose.

Every new year is an opportunity to create SPACE.

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Ali Jafarian

Ali is a creator and coach who's passionate about guiding people to their truth. That's a fancy way of saying he wants to help people realize their most authentic life. He's a family man, entrepreneur, conscious technologist, explorer, podcast host and many other things that inspire him to stay curious and learn. He's also a huge advocate for nature, hiking, adventure, testing physical limits and experiencing the natural world.