Personal Growth & Discovery

Create space for the life you were meant to live.

It's time to wake up. SPACE can help.

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Self Discovery Immersion

Find clarity in who you are, how you operate, and what makes you come alive. Details

Latest Musings
Spring Growth
Spring Growth

Spring is a special time of the year. In “all season” climates, Spring is an important part of nature’s design. The transition from Winter to Spring allows us to see the cycle of rebirth. In Winter, things die or end....


Letting Go of Attachments
Letting Go of Attachments

We create a lot of attachments in our lives. These attachments range from small habits and items to major relationships and vocations. The things we like, the people we love, the work we do in the world, are all forms...


Travel Origins
Travel Origins

I’m always energized by travel. At first I thought travel was unique to me and my world. I realized sensations from travel and mapped them back to identifying as someone who simply loved to travel. Additionally, I thought some people...


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Featured Podcasts
Human Wayfinding & Connection with Mike Brcic

Mike Brcic is a spirit of adventure. He’s a family man, entrepreneur, spiritual seeker, drummer, and many other things in the world. He also guides humans on extraordinary adventures through his company, Wayfinders. This episode explores the depths of human...


Choosing Sovereignty with Tucker Max

Tucker Max is the type of person you simply have to experience. He’s an accomplished human and one of the smartest people I know, but that’s not why I value his friendship, or why I had him on my podcast....


Navigating Life Dimensions with Eric Turnnessen

Eric is a man of depth and creativity. He recently experienced a profound transition after exiting his software company of 14 years. Now he’s focused on coaching entrepreneurs and creatives, producing music, and surrendering to what life presents. This episode...


The Journey Back to Self with Philip McKernan

I have the privilege of sharing this extraordinary episode with my friend and mentor, Philip McKernan. Philip is the type of human who’s hard to describe with words. You simply have to experience him. This episode gives you a glimpse...


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Because we live in a world that often fills space, instead of providing more of it. Because we've lost track of who we are at our core. Because we've simply forgotten how to create space for ourselves...

SPACE is a path to own your truth.

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Ali Jafarian - SPACE
Ali Jafarian

Welcome to SPACE. I created this content and coaching framework to help people realize their most authentic self. This isn't for everybody. In fact, this is for the few that are courageous enough to ask some of life's biggest questions. Curious to learn more?

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Latest Content
New Year Opportunities

Every new year is a turning point that offers opportunity. I believe 12 months is an extraordinary amount of time, which deserves space to be examined, explored and fully experienced before we move into the next 12 months. May these...

Leaning Into Life Transitions

Major life transitions can be scary… This includes things like big moves, relationship changes and career transitions. Where we live, who we commit to, and what we do for work are three of the biggest decisions we’ll make in our...

Leading From the Back

Leadership is an honor and a responsibility. It’s something the world will always need. The act of leading is how we create momentum around ideas, initiatives and progression. It’s a choice and a privilege to lead others. Leadership is also...

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Are you living your most authentic life?

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