
New Year Opportunities

Every new year is a turning point that offers opportunity. I believe 12 months is an extraordinary amount of time, which deserves space to be examined, explored and fully experienced before we move into the next 12 months. May these...

Leaning Into Life Transitions

Major life transitions can be scary… This includes things like big moves, relationship changes and career transitions. Where we live, who we commit to, and what we do for work are three of the biggest decisions we’ll make in our...

Leading From the Back

Leadership is an honor and a responsibility. It’s something the world will always need. The act of leading is how we create momentum around ideas, initiatives and progression. It’s a choice and a privilege to lead others. Leadership is also...

Truly Disconnecting from Work

How often do you disconnect from your work? I’m not talking about simple rules around your working hours or no nights and weekends. Those are great and healthy, but I’m talking about truly disconnecting here. The “I’m not available for...

Honoring Time with No Demands

How often do you give yourself time with no demands? I recently learned about this phrase “time with no demands” from John Wineland, a men’s group facilitator, speaker, teacher and author. He does powerful work. John wrote about time with...

Creating Space for Retreats

I’ve spent the last 5 years retreating for myself. What does that mean exactly? A few things: I’ve physically retreated away from my family, home and normal environment. I’ve mentally retreated away from daily desires, demands and distractions. I’ve emotionally...

The Ego’s Core Functions

Our ego is a powerful part of our psyche. It’s heavily involved in how we think and make decisions. There are many ways to interpret and describe the ego, which I won’t expand upon in this post. Instead, I’ll focus...

Growth in Linear vs Circular Journeys

We often look at journeys in our life as a means of growth or learning. However, we often overlook the way we approach the journey. Here’s the idea – There are two ways we could approach journeys in our life....

Choosing Mental Clarity

Do you have mental clarity? Are you in control of your thoughts most of the time? I recently asked my wife why she watches the news. Her answer was, “To get a sense of what’s going on in the world.”...

Cultivating a Courageous Life

What does it mean to live a courageous life? It doesn’t mean you have to be brave and courageous all the time. It doesn’t mean you have to take crazy risks. It certainly doesn’t mean you have to be a...

Project Waves of Life

Waves offer so much insight into energy and motion. I was recently inspired by a podcast with my friend Josh Painter to investigate this a bit further. He offered some awesome perspective around what we can learn from ocean waves....

Learning From Temper Tantrums

Next time you see a child throw a temper tantrum, pay attention. You might just learn something about yourself. What in the world am I talking about?? Let’s start with some limiting beliefs. It’s probably safe to say: Most people...

Self Knowledge is True Freedom

Our greatest wisdom often comes from internal understanding. What do I mean by that? It’s easy to learn something. Just open a book or have a conversation with a friend about their latest experience. The ability to learn new things...

Scheduling Time for Space

Humans have become a species that fill space. More specifically, we fill our minds and schedule with things that occupy space. This is part of our modern culture and social conditioning. Take a quick look at the world we live...

Awareness of Projections

Projections are all the rage in human interaction. Yet most of us rarely even realize we’re projecting. Before we dig into this hidden piece of psychology, let’s give some context to what a projection is. According to Karen R. Koenig,...

Create Space

Are you living your most authentic life?

Schedule a free discovery session to find out.

Create Space
